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atrocityDOS Doors Build 0011 (Addendum)
I forgot to include the actual build yesterday for you guys to try.  This isn't quite build 0010 or build 0011.  It's basically 0010 with the addition of a usable Use widget/menu.  DOSDOORS-WIN is for windows (in case you don't want to boot DOS) and DOSDOORS is just for DOS.  Mouse driver is needed if you run under DOS. Download: dosdoors-0011-a
2014-01-139:12 AM

BrandonRe: DOS Doors Build 0011 (Addendum)
I just took the time to download at try it out, both the Windows executable and the DOS one under DOSBox and I have to say that it is looking good. The window motions seem fluid and the system overall feels very solid. Hopefully some functionality will be added in the future to take advantage of the solid base you have so far.
2014-01-1310:35 AM

atrocityRe: DOS Doors Build 0011 (Addendum)
Thanks! I've noticed that the Windows version I get around 120 fps with just the statistics program open. The DOS version, I get over 800 fps. At least I'm developing for DOS; Windows can be slow since it's just what I'm using to develop in so I can do source control. Also, on my website, I've added a "Roadmap" feature at the top so I (and others) can keep track of what I plan on adding to each build. Just something to shoot for each time. Thanks again!
2014-01-1310:52 AM


2021 Brandon Cornell